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DailyBubble News

Sesco records over 260 power theft cases linked to crypto mining

Sarawak Energy’s operations arm, Syarikat Sesco Berhad (Sesco), has reported over 260 cases of power theft by cryptocurrency miners since 2018. The estimated losses from stolen electricity amount to nearly RM4 million each month.

Efforts to crack down on offenders, particularly targeting cryptocurrency miners in Miri and other cities across Sarawak, continue. A recent raid on a cryptocurrency miner in Miri uncovered 17 mining servers connected to the main electrical wiring of a shophouse at Pujut 7. This dangerous setup posed a serious fire hazard, with burn marks observed near the cables.

Sarawak Energy emphasizes the significant dangers and legal consequences of electricity theft for cryptocurrency mining. The high electricity consumption and heat generated by such activities can lead to fires, damage to property, loss of lives, and disruptions to neighboring premises. Offenders face penalties under Section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance, with fines of up to RM200,000 and/or a maximum of five years imprisonment.

Landlords are urged to be cautious when renting out their properties to prevent unlawful activities by tenants. Registering electricity accounts under the tenant’s name can help mitigate the risk of being implicated in electricity theft.

Members of the public are advised to be wary of individuals offering to reduce electricity bills, as this could indicate involvement in illegal activities. Sarawak Energy’s technical team is equipped to detect various methods of electricity theft, including innovative techniques.

Anyone with information related to electricity theft is encouraged to report it to Sarawak Energy through its Customer Care Centre. All information provided will be treated with confidentiality. The public is reminded to be vigilant and avoid engaging in illegal activities that can have severe legal consequences.

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