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Seamless customer experience and leveraging innovation crucial for Fintech sector – Market News

Bigul is a fintech platform launched by Bonanza Portfolio in 2022, offering innovative platforms across Equity, Commodity, Currency markets, and Mutual Funds. The fintech aims to reach a million customers. Atul Parakh, CEO of Bigul, spoke to Financial Express Online about how they prioritize a seamless customer experience through technology. The platform focuses on tech tailored to user needs, leveraging data analytics and innovation.

Ensuring security and transparency for investors using the platform is a top priority for Bigul. All products undergo exchange approval to ensure regulatory compliance by adhering to industry standards and regulations. Investor awareness is crucial in today’s market, and Bigul believes in helping investors make informed choices. They offer diverse blog and informational resources, including articles and tutorials on their website and social media channels. Additionally, they conduct webinars covering various investment topics at regular intervals.

Adapting to changing market conditions and investor preferences is a significant challenge for fintech companies. Bigul addresses this challenge by conducting market research to identify trends and demands. This allows for timely adjustments and feature enhancements by prioritizing customer feedback and integrating advanced analytics.

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