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Ohio State speaker says he took psychedelic drugs to write Bitcoin commencement speech

The chosen speaker for Ohio State University’s spring commencement ceremony, Chris Pan, made headlines for his unconventional approach to writing his speech. Pan revealed on LinkedIn that he had used the psychedelic drug ayahuasca to generate his initial drafts, with the help of what he jokingly referred to as “AI (Ayahuasca Intelligence).” However, his speech, which included a pitch for investing in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, was met with audible booing from the audience during the livestream.

Despite the controversy surrounding his speech, Ohio State University spokesperson Ben Johnson declined to comment on Pan’s mention of Bitcoin, stating that the university does not approve speeches before the ceremony. Instead, the university focused on Pan’s message of promoting civility in society and his call for forgiveness, compassion, and resilience.

Pan, described as a “social entrepreneur, musician, and inspirational speaker,” graduated from Ohio State University in 1999 and has since held positions at McKinsey & Company, PepsiCo China, and Facebook. His latest venture, MyIntent, creates braided bracelets with personalized messages, which he announced he would give to every attendee at the ceremony.

While there was confusion on social media about the logistics of distributing the bracelets, Johnson assured that instructions would be provided to graduates via email. He also shared insights into the university’s selection process for commencement speakers, which involves a panel of students, faculty, and staff reviewing nominations based on criteria such as public speaking skills, message relevance, and alignment with the university’s values.

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