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What’s behind the stock market’s brutal 2-day crash? – Fortune

The stock market recently experienced a harsh 2-day crash, leaving many investors wondering what caused such a sudden decline. There are several factors that contributed to this downturn.

One major factor is the rising concerns over inflation. As the economy continues to recover from the impact of the pandemic, prices have been increasing at a faster rate than expected. This has led to fears that the Federal Reserve may need to raise interest rates sooner than anticipated to combat inflation, which could potentially slow down economic growth.

Another factor is the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The emergence of new variants and the slow rollout of vaccines in some parts of the world have raised concerns about the possibility of prolonged economic disruptions. This uncertainty has caused investors to become more cautious and hesitant to take on risk in the stock market.

Additionally, there has been a recent increase in market volatility, with major indexes experiencing larger-than-usual swings in a short period of time. This volatility can be attributed to a variety of factors, including geopolitical tensions, corporate earnings reports, and regulatory changes.

Overall, the combination of inflation concerns, pandemic uncertainty, and increased market volatility has contributed to the recent 2-day crash in the stock market. While the exact reasons for the decline may vary, it is clear that investors are facing a challenging and unpredictable market environment.

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