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Weekly Forex Forecast – EUR/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/JPY, Gold, S&P 500 Index, 2-Year US Treasury Yield, 10-Year US Treasury Yield – Forex Factory

This week’s Forex forecast includes analysis on the EUR/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/JPY, Gold, S&P 500 Index, 2-Year US Treasury Yield, and 10-Year US Treasury Yield.

The EUR/USD pair is expected to see some volatility as the eurozone continues to deal with economic uncertainty. Traders will be watching for any updates on the US-China trade tensions, which could impact the USD/CHF pair. The AUD/JPY pair may also see movement based on any news regarding the Australian and Japanese economies.

Gold prices are expected to remain steady as investors seek safe haven assets amidst global economic uncertainty. The S&P 500 Index may see some fluctuations as trade tensions and economic data affect investor sentiment.

The 2-Year US Treasury Yield and 10-Year US Treasury Yield are important indicators of the health of the US economy. Analysts will be monitoring these yields closely for any signs of economic growth or contraction.

Overall, traders should remain cautious and stay informed about global economic developments that could impact these forex pairs and assets.

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