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Trump's Claims About El Salvador and President Bukele Debunked – Bitcoin.com News

President Donald Trump recently made claims about El Salvador and its president, Nayib Bukele, that have since been debunked. Trump stated that Bukele was a dictator and that the country was run by gangs. However, these claims have been proven to be false.

President Bukele was democratically elected in 2019, winning with over 53% of the vote. He has implemented various measures to combat gang violence and improve the country’s economy. El Salvador has also become the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, a move that has received both praise and criticism.

While El Salvador does face challenges with gang violence and poverty, labeling the country as solely run by gangs is a misrepresentation of the reality on the ground. President Bukele has been working to address these issues and bring about positive change for the people of El Salvador.

It is important to fact-check claims made by public figures and ensure that accurate information is being shared with the public. In the case of President Trump’s claims about El Salvador and President Bukele, it is clear that they do not align with the facts.

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