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“Still gotta s*ck, you get hired for a role..”: Fans Feel Sorry For Michelle Monaghan Who is Barely There in Keanu Reeves’ Constantine – imdb

Fans of actress Michelle Monaghan are feeling sorry for her after her role in the movie Constantine alongside Keanu Reeves. Many fans have expressed disappointment in Monaghan’s limited screen time in the film, with some even going as far as to say that she was “barely there.”

Despite Monaghan’s talent as an actress, it seems that her character in Constantine did not receive the attention or development that fans were hoping for. This has left many feeling that she was not given the opportunity to showcase her full potential in the film.

While Keanu Reeves’ performance in Constantine has been praised, fans can’t help but feel that Monaghan was not utilized to her fullest extent. Hopefully, in future roles, she will have the chance to truly shine and show audiences what she is capable of.

Overall, fans of Michelle Monaghan are disappointed by her limited role in Constantine and are hopeful that she will be given more substantial and impactful roles in the future.

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