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Russian Stock Market (MOEX): financial sector share prices 01.07.2024, 13:00 MSK

Oreanda-News reported on the share prices of various financial sector companies on the Moscow Exchange as of 01.07.2024 at 13:00 MSK. The prices are as follows:

– Moscow Exchange: 230.97 rub (+0.82%)
– QIWI: 173.80 rub (-0.80%)
– Renaissance Insurance: 98.18 rub (+0.02%)
– SAFMAR: 1333.20 rub (+1.85%)
– Bank Saint-Petersburg: 383.94 rub (-0.53%)
– Sberbank: 328.07 rub (+0.28%)
– Sberbank (p): 328.93 rub (+0.30%)
– Tinkoff Bank: 2994.50 rub (+0.88%)
– VTB Bank: 0.02085 rub (-1.40%)

It is important to note that the percentages in parentheses indicate the change in price compared to the previous trading day. Additionally, shares marked with (p) denote preference shares.

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