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Robert Rapier: There Is No Energy Transition; Fossil Fuels and Coal Hit New Records – Financial Sense Online

Robert Rapier, an energy expert, argues that there is no energy transition happening. In fact, fossil fuels and coal are hitting new records. Despite the push for renewable energy sources, Rapier believes that we are still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. This is evident as coal consumption continues to rise, reaching new highs.

Rapier’s perspective challenges the idea of a smooth transition to cleaner energy sources. He highlights the importance of acknowledging the reality that fossil fuels are still dominating the energy sector. This is a stark reminder that the transition to renewable energy will not happen overnight.

While there is growing support for renewable energy, the data shows that fossil fuels are not going anywhere anytime soon. This is a crucial point to consider when discussing the future of our energy sources. It is clear that there is still a long way to go before we can truly shift away from our reliance on fossil fuels.

Overall, Rapier’s insights serve as a reminder that the energy transition is not as straightforward as it may seem. Despite the advancements in renewable energy technologies, fossil fuels continue to play a significant role in meeting our energy needs. It is important to keep this in mind as we work towards a more sustainable future.

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