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Pump-and-Dump: 3 Penny Stocks to Avoid Like the Plague – Yahoo Finance

Pump-and-Dump: 3 Penny Stocks to Steer Clear Of

Investors beware! Pump-and-dump schemes are a serious threat to your hard-earned money. These schemes involve artificially inflating the price of a stock through misleading information and then selling off shares at a profit, leaving unsuspecting investors with worthless shares.

Here are three penny stocks that you should avoid like the plague:

1. ABC Inc: This company has been the target of multiple pump-and-dump schemes in the past. Its financials are shaky, and there are concerns about the company’s management team. Avoid investing in ABC Inc at all costs.

2. XYZ Co: XYZ Co has a history of sudden price spikes followed by sharp declines. This is a classic red flag for a pump-and-dump scheme. Stay away from XYZ Co if you want to protect your investment.

3. 123 Corp: 123 Corp has little to no revenue and relies heavily on hype to attract investors. This makes it a prime target for pump-and-dump manipulators. Don’t fall for the flashy marketing tactics of 123 Corp.

Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Do your due diligence before investing in any penny stock, and always be wary of pump-and-dump schemes that can wipe out your savings in a flash.

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