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Paraguay's abundant hydropower draws crypto miners, legal and not – RFI English

Paraguay’s plentiful hydropower attracts cryptocurrency miners, both legal and illegal. The country’s abundant hydropower resources have become a magnet for crypto miners looking to take advantage of the cheap and sustainable energy source. However, this influx has also brought with it a rise in illegal mining operations that are not authorized by the government.

The appeal of Paraguay’s hydropower lies in its low cost and environmentally friendly nature. The country’s numerous rivers and waterfalls provide a steady supply of renewable energy that is perfect for powering the energy-intensive operations of cryptocurrency mining. This has led to an increase in legal mining activities in the country, with companies setting up mining farms to take advantage of the cheap electricity.

However, the rise in legal mining has also brought an increase in illegal operations. These miners set up their operations without obtaining the necessary permits or approvals from the government, leading to concerns about the environmental impact of their activities. In response, Paraguay has been cracking down on illegal mining operations, shutting down facilities that are operating without proper authorization.

Overall, Paraguay’s abundance of hydropower has made it an attractive destination for cryptocurrency miners. While legal operations are taking advantage of the cheap and sustainable energy source, illegal miners are also finding their way into the country. It remains to be seen how Paraguay will continue to regulate and control the cryptocurrency mining industry to ensure that it remains sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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