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Market reforms to boost interest in KTB trading, study finds – Securities Finance Times

A recent study has found that implementing market reforms could significantly increase interest in trading Kenya Treasury Bonds (KTB). The study, conducted by Securities Finance Times, suggests that these reforms could potentially boost activity in the KTB market.

The findings highlight the importance of making changes to the market structure in order to attract more investors to KTB trading. By improving transparency, liquidity, and efficiency in the market, it is believed that more participants will be encouraged to engage in trading KTBs.

These market reforms could have a positive impact on the overall growth and development of the KTB market. By creating a more attractive and competitive environment for investors, it is hoped that trading activity in KTBs will increase, leading to a more vibrant and dynamic market.

Overall, the study underscores the potential benefits of implementing market reforms to boost interest in KTB trading. By making the necessary changes to the market structure, it is possible to attract more participants and stimulate greater activity in the KTB market.

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