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John Bollinger Anticipates Litecoin to Make Major Price Move – DailyCoin

John Bollinger, a well-known financial analyst, is predicting that Litecoin is gearing up for a significant price movement. Bollinger, creator of the popular Bollinger Bands indicator, believes that Litecoin’s price is on the verge of making a major move in the near future.

Litecoin, a popular cryptocurrency often referred to as the “silver to Bitcoin’s gold,” has been experiencing some volatility in recent weeks. Bollinger’s analysis suggests that this volatility could be a precursor to a large price swing in either direction.

Bollinger’s prediction has caught the attention of many investors and traders in the cryptocurrency space. His expertise in technical analysis and market trends lends credibility to his forecast for Litecoin.

As with any investment, it’s important to exercise caution and do your own research before making any decisions based on predictions. However, Bollinger’s track record and reputation in the financial industry make his anticipation of a major price move for Litecoin worth considering. Investors and traders will be keeping a close eye on Litecoin in the coming days to see if Bollinger’s prediction comes to fruition.

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