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Japan’s Startup Index Outperforms Topix by Most Since April – Yahoo Canada Finance

Japan’s startup index has shown impressive performance compared to the Topix index, with the most significant outperformance since April. This indicates a positive trend in the startup sector in Japan, showcasing potential growth opportunities for investors.

DailyBubble believes that this outperformance highlights the innovation and resilience of Japan’s startup companies, despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic. The ability of these startups to adapt and thrive in such uncertain times is a testament to their strength and potential for future success.

Investors looking to diversify their portfolios and tap into the growth potential of the Japanese startup sector may want to consider including these companies in their investment strategies. With the startup index outperforming the Topix index by a significant margin, there is clearly a strong case for exploring investment opportunities in this sector.

Overall, DailyBubble sees the positive performance of Japan’s startup index as a promising sign for the country’s economy and the potential for continued growth and innovation in the startup sector. Investors should keep an eye on this sector as it continues to show strong performance and potential for future success.

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