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Generative AI Uses More Energy, Is 'Accelerating Climate Crisis' : Experts – NDTV

Generative AI, a cutting-edge technology that is gaining popularity, is being criticized for its high energy consumption and contribution to the accelerating climate crisis, according to experts. The advanced algorithms used in generative AI require a significant amount of computing power, leading to increased energy consumption. This has raised concerns among environmentalists and experts who warn that the growing use of generative AI could worsen the climate crisis.

The complex calculations and computations involved in generative AI applications, such as deep learning and neural networks, require powerful hardware and continuous energy supply. As a result, the carbon footprint of generative AI is substantial, with some experts estimating that training a single AI model can emit as much carbon dioxide as five cars in their lifetime.

The increasing demand for generative AI technologies across various industries, including entertainment, healthcare, and finance, is further exacerbating the environmental impact. Experts argue that the rapid adoption of generative AI without considering its energy consumption could have long-term consequences on the environment.

Efforts are being made to develop more energy-efficient algorithms and hardware to mitigate the environmental impact of generative AI. However, experts emphasize the need for greater awareness and responsible usage of AI technologies to address the climate crisis effectively. As the world continues to rely on AI for innovation and advancement, it is crucial to consider the environmental implications and work towards sustainable solutions.

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