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EUR/JPY, USD/JPY and AUD/USD rise as RBA leaves rates on hold – IG

The EUR/JPY, USD/JPY, and AUD/USD currency pairs have all seen an increase in value following the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision to keep interest rates unchanged. The decision by the RBA to leave rates on hold has had a positive impact on these currency pairs, with traders reacting favorably to the news.

The EUR/JPY pair has shown a rise in value, indicating increased demand for the Euro against the Japanese Yen. Similarly, the USD/JPY pair has also seen an uptick in value, with the US Dollar gaining strength against the Japanese Yen. The AUD/USD pair has experienced a similar trend, with the Australian Dollar showing strength against its US counterpart.

Overall, the decision by the RBA to maintain interest rates has had a positive impact on these currency pairs, with traders reacting positively to the news. As always, it is important for traders to stay informed and closely monitor market developments to make well-informed trading decisions.

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