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Ethereum is a ‘dictatorship’ claims Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson – Cointelegraph

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, recently made a bold claim about Ethereum, calling it a “dictatorship.” In a recent interview, Hoskinson criticized Ethereum for its centralized governance, stating that a small group of individuals hold too much power over the platform.

Hoskinson, who is also a co-founder of Ethereum, believes that the platform’s governance model is flawed and lacks transparency. He argues that decisions are made by a select few, rather than being decentralized and community-driven.

This criticism comes at a time when Ethereum is facing challenges with scalability and high gas fees. Hoskinson believes that these issues could be addressed more effectively with a more decentralized governance model.

While Hoskinson’s comments may be controversial, they highlight the ongoing debate within the cryptocurrency community about the best way to govern blockchain platforms. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how platforms like Ethereum adapt to address these concerns.

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