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Do You Want to be Financially Independent? Consider Buying These Wealth-Creating Dividend Stocks.

Many individuals aspire to achieve financial independence, a top financial goal for many. One proven strategy to attain financial independence is by investing in high-quality dividend stocks. Over the last 50 years, the average dividend stock has provided a 9.2% annualized total return. By investing $300 a month in dividend stocks, you could potentially build a $1 million portfolio in approximately 30 years. Investing more money or finding stocks with higher returns can accelerate wealth growth.

Companies that consistently increase their dividends have historically generated even higher returns, averaging 10.2% annually over the last 50 years. Realty Income (NYSE: O), Brookfield Infrastructure (NYSE: BIPC, BIP), and Enbridge (NYSE: ENB) are standout stocks for dividend growth, offering strong potential for wealth-building. Consistently investing in these companies could pave the way towards achieving financial independence.

Realty Income is a real estate investment trust (REIT) with a diverse portfolio of income-producing commercial properties. It pays investors a monthly dividend, with a track record of increasing dividends for 107 consecutive quarters. With a dividend yield over 6% and earnings growing at 4-5% annually, Realty Income could deliver total returns between 10-11% over the long term.

Brookfield Infrastructure owns a portfolio of high-quality infrastructure assets, aiming to increase its FFO by 6-9% annually. The company has a history of making accretive acquisitions and aims to grow its dividend by 5-9% annually. With a dividend yield approaching 5%, Brookfield Infrastructure could offer total annualized returns in the mid-teen percentages.

Enbridge operates a vast energy infrastructure business, with stable cash flow backed by long-term contracts. The company targets 60-70% of its cash flow for dividends, with plans to increase its dividend annually. With a current payout yielding over 7%, Enbridge could deliver total annual returns between 10-12% in the coming years.

Realty Income, Brookfield Infrastructure, and Enbridge have strong track records of producing income for shareholders and increasing dividends. Investing in these dividend stocks could help individuals move towards a financially independent future. Consider these wealth-building dividend stocks as part of your investment strategy for long-term financial growth.

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