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Data Shows Bitcoin Mining Giants Foundry and Antpool Seize 56.7% of Network’s Hashrate – Bitcoin.com News

Data from recent reports has revealed that two major players in the Bitcoin mining industry, Foundry and Antpool, now control a significant portion of the network’s hashrate. Together, these mining giants have seized a total of 56.7% of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate.

This development has raised concerns within the cryptocurrency community, as the consolidation of mining power in the hands of a few entities can potentially lead to centralization issues. With such a large share of the network’s hashrate under their control, Foundry and Antpool wield significant influence over the Bitcoin network.

The rise of these mining giants highlights the competitive nature of the Bitcoin mining industry, where only the most efficient and resourceful players can thrive. As they continue to expand their operations and increase their hashrate share, Foundry and Antpool are likely to play a crucial role in shaping the future of Bitcoin mining.

It remains to be seen how this concentration of mining power will impact the overall security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network. However, it is clear that the dominance of Foundry and Antpool in the mining industry is a significant development that will be closely monitored by the cryptocurrency community.

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