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Cover Story: Chinese Brokerages’ Dual Roles in Bond Market Sparks Concern for Conflicts of Interest That Raises Systemic Risk – Caixin Global

Chinese brokerages are facing scrutiny for their dual roles in the bond market, which has raised concerns about conflicts of interest that could pose systemic risks. This issue has caught the attention of market participants and regulators alike.

Brokerages in China often act as both underwriters and market makers for bonds, creating a potential conflict of interest. As underwriters, they help companies issue bonds, while as market makers, they trade these bonds in the secondary market. This dual role can lead to situations where brokerages prioritize their own interests over those of investors.

The concern is that brokerages may engage in practices that benefit their underwriting business, such as artificially inflating bond prices in the secondary market. This could mislead investors and create an unstable market environment. In addition, conflicts of interest could also arise when brokerages provide investment advice to clients while also trading bonds on their own behalf.

Regulators are taking notice of these issues and are working to address them. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has implemented measures to enhance transparency and oversight in the bond market. They have also introduced regulations to ensure that brokerages disclose their dual roles and manage conflicts of interest appropriately.

Overall, the dual roles of Chinese brokerages in the bond market have raised valid concerns about conflicts of interest and systemic risks. It is crucial for regulators to continue monitoring the situation and implementing measures to safeguard the integrity of the market. Investors should also be vigilant and conduct thorough due diligence when engaging with brokerages in the bond market.

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