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Chief Scientific Officer Patrick Soon-Shiong, ImmunityBio, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:IBRX) largest shareholder sees value of holdings go down 7.2% after recent drop

Key Insights

When looking at the shareholders of ImmunityBio, Inc. (NASDAQ:IBRX), it is clear that individual insiders hold the most power with a 43% stake in the company. This means that they face the highest potential for gains or losses. After a market cap drop of US$339 million, insiders as a group experienced the greatest losses.

Institutional Ownership

Institutional investors often compare their returns to benchmark indices and tend to invest in larger companies included in these indices. ImmunityBio already has institutions on its share registry, indicating credibility among professional investors. However, it is important to note that institutions, like everyone else, can make poor investment decisions. It is advisable to consider factors beyond institutional ownership, such as past earnings trajectory.

Insider Ownership

Insiders, including board members and company management, own a significant portion of ImmunityBio. CEO Patrick Soon-Shiong holds 42% of shares, followed by California Capital Equity, LLC with 20% and NantWorks, LLC with 14%. The top two shareholders collectively control more than half of the company’s shares, giving them considerable influence over the company’s decisions.

General Public Ownership

The general public, mainly individual investors, holds a 13% ownership stake in ImmunityBio. While they may not have decision-making power, they can influence how the company is run.

Private Equity Ownership

Private equity firms own 20% of ImmunityBio, indicating their potential influence on key policy decisions. Private equity can either hold management accountable or sell out after taking a company public.

Private Company Ownership

Private companies hold 14% of ImmunityBio’s shares, but it is essential to investigate who owns these private companies as insiders or related parties may have a stake in the public company through them.

Next Steps

While considering the different ownership groups is important, other factors such as risks should also be taken into account. It is crucial to focus on the future outlook of the company rather than just past performance. Analyst recommendations and forecasts can provide valuable insights into a stock’s expected performance.

Please note that the figures in this article are based on data from the last twelve months, ending on the date of the financial statement. This information may not align with full-year annual report figures.

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