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Chicago Realtor Matt Laricy Shares 2024 Real Estate Market Predictions – Business Insider

Chicago Realtor Matt Laricy recently shared his predictions for the 2024 real estate market with Business Insider. Laricy, who has extensive experience in the Chicago real estate market, offered insights into what to expect in the coming years.

According to Laricy, he foresees continued growth in the real estate market in 2024. He predicts that demand for housing will remain strong, driven by factors such as low interest rates and a growing population in the Chicago area. Laricy also anticipates that home prices will continue to rise, making it a seller’s market.

In addition, Laricy expects that technology will play a larger role in the real estate industry in 2024. He believes that advancements in virtual reality and artificial intelligence will make it easier for buyers to view properties remotely and for sellers to market their homes effectively.

Overall, Laricy’s predictions paint a positive picture for the Chicago real estate market in 2024. With continued growth, rising home prices, and advancements in technology, it looks like a promising year ahead for both buyers and sellers in the Windy City.

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