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Bitcoin bears base $40K prediction on 'self induced fear' — Samson Mow – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin bears are predicting that the cryptocurrency will drop to $40,000, but Samson Mow believes that this prediction is based on “self-induced fear.” Mow, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency world, argues that this fear is causing investors to panic and sell off their Bitcoin holdings.

Mow’s perspective challenges the bearish sentiment surrounding Bitcoin, suggesting that the market is being influenced more by emotions than by actual data or analysis. He believes that this fear is unwarranted and that Bitcoin’s value is not accurately reflected by the current market trends.

Despite the bearish predictions, Mow remains optimistic about Bitcoin’s future, citing its potential for long-term growth and stability. He encourages investors to remain calm and focused on the fundamentals of the cryptocurrency market rather than getting caught up in short-term fluctuations.

Overall, Mow’s perspective offers a different take on the current state of Bitcoin and challenges the prevailing narrative of fear and uncertainty. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Mow’s views play out in the coming months.

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