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DailyBubble News

Average asking price at $242,000 in Lawton

In Lawton, Oklahoma, Parks Jones Realtors reports that there are currently 318 homes listed for sale with an average asking price of over $242,000. These homes have been on the market for an average of 70 days. According to data provided by Parks Jones, a total of 1,587 homes were sold and closed on for an average price of $188,000, which is slightly lower than the average asking price of $191,000.

Statistics from the Lawton Board of Realtors show that 147 newly constructed homes were sold and closed on in the past 12 months, with 73% of those homes located outside of Lawton.

Overall, the real estate market in Lawton appears to be active, with a mix of homes available for sale at various price points. This data offers valuable insights for both buyers and sellers in the area.

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