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AUD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY, Gold, Silver, Oil Weekly Technical Outlook: 9/23/2024 – Forex Factory

AUD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY, Gold, Silver, Oil Weekly Technical Outlook: 9/23/2024

Here is a look at the technical outlook for AUD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY, Gold, Silver, and Oil for the week of September 23, 2024.

AUD/USD: The AUD/USD pair is currently trading in a range between 0.7200 and 0.7300. A break above 0.7300 could lead to further upside towards 0.7400, while a break below 0.7200 could result in a decline towards 0.7100.

USD/CAD: The USD/CAD pair is trading in a range between 1.3000 and 1.3100. A break above 1.3100 could lead to further gains towards 1.3200, while a break below 1.3000 could result in a decline towards 1.2900.

USD/JPY: The USD/JPY pair is currently trading in a range between 105.00 and 106.00. A break above 106.00 could lead to further upside towards 107.00, while a break below 105.00 could result in a decline towards 104.00.

Gold: Gold prices are trading near $1,800 an ounce. A break above $1,820 could lead to further gains towards $1,850, while a break below $1,780 could result in a decline towards $1,750.

Silver: Silver prices are trading near $23 an ounce. A break above $24 could lead to further upside towards $25, while a break below $22 could result in a decline towards $21.

Oil: Oil prices are trading near $70 a barrel. A break above $75 could lead to further gains towards $80, while a break below $65 could result in a decline towards $60.

Overall, these markets are currently trading in ranges and traders should watch for breaks above or below key levels for potential trading opportunities.

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