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Artificial intelligence: the AMF encourages market stakeholders to take part in two European Commission initiatives on issues specific to the financial sector

The European Commission is launching two initiatives to gather the views of financial market stakeholders using AI systems. The first initiative involves practical workshops for financial services firms to discuss recent developments in AI in the financial sector. The AMF will be involved in organizing these workshops, which are open to stakeholders with AI projects looking to share their experiences and discuss regulatory issues. The workshops will be held virtually between September and December 2024, and interested stakeholders can apply by July 26.

The second initiative is a public consultation on the use of AI in the financial sector. This consultation aims to gather information on the concrete applications of AI in financial services to better understand the opportunities and risks associated with this technology. All players in the financial ecosystem who use or deploy AI applications are invited to share their observations on their use cases or on the application of regulatory texts such as the AI Act. The consultation is open until September 13, 2024.

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