Why AI's Energy Use Isn't Demonized Like Bitcoin's – CoinDesk

When it comes to energy consumption, artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t receive the same level of criticism as Bitcoin. While both technologies require significant amounts of energy to operate, AI’s energy use is not demonized in the same way that Bitcoin’s is.

One reason for this discrepancy is that the public perception of AI is generally more positive than that of Bitcoin. AI is often seen as a cutting-edge technology that has the potential to improve many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to transportation. As a result, people may be more willing to overlook the energy consumption of AI because they see the benefits it can provide.

Another factor is that AI is often used for more practical purposes than Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is primarily used as a digital currency, AI is used in a wide range of applications, such as autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics, and fraud detection. These applications are seen as more valuable and important to society, which may make people more accepting of the energy consumption associated with AI.

Additionally, AI technologies are constantly evolving and becoming more efficient. Researchers are always looking for ways to reduce the energy consumption of AI systems, whether through more efficient algorithms or hardware innovations. This continuous improvement may help mitigate concerns about the environmental impact of AI.

Overall, while both AI and Bitcoin require significant amounts of energy to operate, AI’s energy use is not demonized in the same way that Bitcoin’s is. The positive perception of AI, its practical applications, and ongoing efforts to improve energy efficiency all play a role in shaping public attitudes towards AI’s energy consumption.

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