Time To Protect The Island Real Estate Market From Private Equity Firms – Nantucket Current

The Island Real Estate Market Needs Protection from Private Equity Firms

In recent years, the island real estate market has seen a surge in interest from private equity firms. While this may seem like a positive sign of growth, it actually poses a threat to the local community and economy.

Private equity firms often swoop in and buy up properties at inflated prices, driving up the cost of living for residents and pushing out local businesses. This can have a negative impact on the island’s unique charm and character, as well as its affordability for both residents and visitors.

It’s time for action to protect the island real estate market from the influence of private equity firms. Local regulations and policies should be put in place to limit their impact and ensure that the island remains a vibrant and diverse community for years to come.

By taking proactive steps now, we can preserve the integrity of the island real estate market and safeguard its future for generations to come. Let’s work together to keep the island a place that everyone can enjoy and call home.

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