The average large-cap mutual fund is underweight the Magnificent 7 (NYSEARCA:IWF) – Seeking Alpha

According to a recent study, the average large-cap mutual fund is not fully invested in the Magnificent 7 stocks (NYSEARCA:IWF). These stocks are considered to be some of the top performers in the market, yet many mutual funds are not allocating enough resources towards them.

DailyBubble believes that this underweighting of the Magnificent 7 by large-cap mutual funds could be a missed opportunity for investors. By not fully investing in these top-performing stocks, mutual funds may be limiting their potential for higher returns.

It is important for investors to carefully consider where their money is being allocated within mutual funds. DailyBubble recommends keeping a close eye on the allocation of funds towards top-performing stocks like the Magnificent 7 in order to maximize investment potential.

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