SG Americas Securities LLC Sells 90,378 Shares of ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (BATS:ARKG)

SG Americas Securities LLC reduced its stake in ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (BATS:ARKG) by 42.4% during the first quarter, according to its recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 122,681 shares of the company’s stock after selling 90,378 shares, valued at $3,528,000. Other institutional investors like Cooper Financial Group, NBC Securities Inc., Hilltop Holdings Inc., Kovack Advisors Inc., and Prospect Financial Services LLC also made changes to their positions in ARK Genomic Revolution ETF.

The stock opened at $25.34 on Monday, with a 50-day simple moving average of $24.98 and a 200-day simple moving average of $27.48. ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG) is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on companies in the genomics industry. Launched on Oct 31, 2014, ARKG is managed by ARK.

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