Rubio Speaks at John S. McCain Freedom Award Celebration

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida recently delivered a powerful speech at the International Republican Institute (IRI) John S. McCain Freedom Award Celebration, where he discussed the global threats to religious freedom. During the event, Senator Rubio honored Bishop Rolando Álvarez, a courageous figure who has been a victim of persecution by the Nicaraguan regime, by presenting him with this year’s award in absentia.

In his speech, Senator Rubio emphasized the importance of standing up for fundamental truths and the right to live and be free. He highlighted the revolutionary idea upon which the United States was founded – the belief that God has endowed individuals with certain inalienable rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Senator Rubio reflected on the history of mankind, noting that for thousands of years, most societies were not free or democratic, with leaders typically being determined by conquest rather than by choice. He praised the progress that the United States has made in advancing the principles of freedom and democracy, while acknowledging that challenges persist in various parts of the world.

Senator Rubio pointed out that while elections are important, they do not guarantee freedom or democracy. He cited examples like Venezuela and Russia, where elections are manipulated to maintain power and suppress dissent. He also highlighted the common thread among oppressive regimes worldwide, from Iran to North Korea, emphasizing that these leaders do not value individual rights or human dignity.

Ultimately, Senator Rubio stressed that true freedom is not just about the ability to do as one pleases, but about the opportunity to fulfill one’s potential and contribute to the common good. He called on individuals and nations to uphold the values of liberty, democracy, and respect for human rights, in order to combat the threats posed by authoritarian regimes and extremist ideologies. At the core of all the problems in the world lies totalitarianism and oppressive regimes. Despite the belief that history had ended with the Cold War in 1991, human nature remains the same. Human nature tends towards tyranny and oppression, as it has for thousands of years. This tendency is re-emerging in the world today.

The challenges to freedom and democracy globally are rooted in a coalition of governments like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. While not formally allied like NATO, these countries are increasingly cooperating to provide an alternative to the Western-dominated world order. They argue that totalitarianism offers stability and order, contrasting it with the perceived chaotic nature of Western democracies.

Totalitarians promise order and stability in exchange for freedom. This promise may seem appealing, especially in a world recovering from the disruptions caused by events like the Covid-19 pandemic. However, history has shown that totalitarian regimes ultimately result in poverty and exile for their citizens, particularly for those with dreams and aspirations.

Speaking out against oppressive regimes can have severe consequences in many parts of the world. The price for dissent can be life, freedom, suffering, or exile. This courage to stand up against suppression is essential to safeguarding freedom and democracy.

Countries like Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela have experienced long periods of suffering under oppressive regimes. The consequences of tyranny are evident in the mass exodus of people seeking freedom and better opportunities elsewhere.

It is crucial to support those who stand up for freedom and democracy and to continue advocating for these principles. Freedom is not an outdated concept but remains as important today as ever. The threats to freedom are as significant now as they were in the years following the end of the Cold War.

Human nature’s tendency towards totalitarianism means that future generations will also have to confront this challenge. Only a steadfast commitment to freedom, democracy, and systems that protect them can prevent totalitarianism from resurfacing.

Democratic societies must demonstrate that while messy and vibrant, they can solve real problems and make progress. The United States, in particular, has a history of progress rooted in its founding principles, such as women’s suffrage, the end of slavery, and the end of segregation.

Every great movement in American history has called for upholding the principles of the founding documents, rather than rejecting them. It is essential to continue telling the story of progress achieved through adherence to these principles. The idea of freedom and democracy is incredibly powerful, and it is crucial to understand this example. Nations worldwide need to realize that freedom and democracy are not just lofty ideals, but practical solutions that work better than totalitarianism. While it may take longer and be more challenging, it requires listening to differing opinions and collaborating with diverse individuals. The alternative is allowing a small group of people to make all decisions without any input from the populace.

Growing up surrounded by individuals who had to flee their countries due to oppressive regimes, such as Cuban exiles, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and Colombians, has shown me the devastating effects of totalitarianism. Every person I have spoken to who has experienced such oppression expresses shock at how quickly their country transformed into a state of tyranny. The relentless nature of totalitarianism seeks to dominate and suppress any opposing voices, hiding behind various ideologies or individual leaders.

The Church has historically played a crucial role in supporting freedom movements, as seen in Poland with the Solidarity Movement and in Nicaragua’s ongoing struggles. Totalitarians aim to eradicate any higher moral authority, demanding worship of the state or party above all else. This is why the Church’s influence is so important in challenging oppressive regimes and upholding the inherent rights of individuals.

The concept of liberty is not merely political but deeply spiritual. Just as Christ came to free us from sin, the Church serves as a beacon of hope in freeing individuals from tyranny and the denial of their basic rights given by a higher power. It is essential to recognize and support those, like Dan Sullivan, who work tirelessly to defend religious liberty and freedom in regions where these rights are constantly under threat.

Thank you to all those who advocate for freedom and democracy. Your efforts are truly appreciated, and may you continue to uphold the values of liberty and justice for all. The Importance of Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle

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