RBI’s FAR policy shift may rattle bond markets – BusinessLine

RBI’s Change in FAR Policy Could Impact Bond Markets

The Reserve Bank of India’s decision to shift its Foreign Account Reporting (FAR) policy is causing some concern in the bond markets. The move is expected to have a ripple effect on how foreign investments are reported and could potentially disrupt the bond market.

The FAR policy change is aimed at improving transparency in foreign investments and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. While the intentions behind the shift are noble, market participants are worried about the potential impact on bond prices and yields.

Investors are closely monitoring the situation to gauge how the new policy will play out in the bond markets. The uncertainty surrounding the implementation of the FAR policy has led to some unease among market players.

Overall, the RBI’s decision to change its FAR policy has the potential to shake up the bond markets. It remains to be seen how the market will react to the new reporting requirements and whether any significant adjustments will be needed to adapt to the changes.

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