Hempcrete facility on Mid North Coast paves way for alternative building materials – ABC News

A new Hempcrete facility on the Mid North Coast is leading the charge in exploring alternative building materials. The facility is set to pave the way for sustainable construction practices in the region.

Hempcrete is a mixture of hemp fibers, lime, and water that can be used as a building material. It is known for its sustainability and thermal properties, making it an attractive option for eco-conscious builders.

The facility on the Mid North Coast will produce Hempcrete blocks that can be used in construction projects throughout the area. This will not only provide a more sustainable option for builders but also create new opportunities for the local economy.

With the increasing focus on sustainability in the construction industry, the Hempcrete facility is a step in the right direction towards reducing the carbon footprint of buildings in the region. It is hoped that this initiative will inspire other communities to embrace alternative building materials and practices for a more sustainable future.

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