Crypto libertarians and Silicon Valley billionaires: The mashup fueling new support for Trump – Yahoo Finance

There is a growing trend of support for President Trump coming from a unique mashup of crypto libertarians and Silicon Valley billionaires. This unlikely alliance is fueled by a shared belief in limited government intervention and a desire for economic freedom.

Crypto libertarians, who advocate for decentralized currencies like Bitcoin, are drawn to Trump’s stance on deregulation and his skepticism of traditional banking systems. They see him as a champion of financial innovation and a disruptor of the status quo.

On the other hand, Silicon Valley billionaires appreciate Trump’s business-friendly policies, such as tax cuts and deregulation. They see him as a proponent of entrepreneurship and innovation, which aligns with their own values and goals.

Despite Trump’s controversial rhetoric and policies, this coalition of supporters remains steadfast in their belief that he is the best choice for advancing their interests. Whether it’s promoting blockchain technology or creating a more favorable business environment, they see Trump as a key ally in their efforts to shape the future of the economy.

As the 2020 election approaches, it will be interesting to see how this unlikely alliance influences the political landscape and shapes the debate around issues like technology, finance, and government intervention.

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