Calgary housing market 'still playing catch-up' despite record starts and completions – Calgary Herald

Despite record numbers of housing starts and completions in Calgary, the housing market is still struggling to keep up with demand. The city is playing catch-up as it tries to meet the needs of its growing population.

According to the Calgary Herald, the housing market in Calgary has seen a surge in new construction projects, with a high number of starts and completions. However, despite these record numbers, the market is still facing challenges in meeting the demand for housing.

The increase in housing starts and completions is a positive sign for the city’s economy, but it also highlights the ongoing struggle to provide enough housing for residents. The demand for housing in Calgary continues to outstrip supply, leading to rising prices and limited options for buyers.

Experts believe that the city will need to continue to increase its housing supply in order to meet the needs of its growing population. While the record numbers of starts and completions are a step in the right direction, more needs to be done to ensure that everyone in Calgary has access to affordable and suitable housing.

Overall, the Calgary housing market is making progress, but it still has a long way to go in order to meet the needs of its residents. The city is working hard to address the housing shortage, but it will take time and effort to fully catch up to the demand for housing in Calgary.

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