Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gold and more [Video]

The current Elliott Wave analysis for various commodities in the market provides insights into potential trends for Bitcoin (BTC), ETH/USD, TLT Bonds, US 10 Yr. Yields, USD/DXY, Gold, Silver, Copper, Uranium, Crude Oil, and Natural Gas.

Bitcoin (BTC) is currently in search of the Wave C of (4) low, indicating a possible bullish wave on the horizon. Ethereum’s Elliott Wave patterns are being closely monitored as it consolidates for its next move. TLT Bonds are showing bullish trends, while US 10 Yr. Yields are trending lower as per forecast.

The outlook for the US Dollar Index (USD/DXY) remains uncertain, requiring further analysis for clarity. Gold and Silver are maintaining strong bullish trends, while Copper is expected to consolidate before its next impulsive wave. Natural Gas is approaching a critical phase, with potential for significant moves upon confirmation.

Crude Oil’s Elliott Wave structure is being closely watched for potential trend changes, while Uranium is consolidating with potential bullish setups in the near term. Stay tuned for more detailed updates on these commodities as we continue to monitor their Elliott Wave patterns to provide actionable insights for traders and investors.

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