Beat the Heat With These 3 Summertime Dividend Stocks – MSN

As the summer heat rolls in, investors may be looking for ways to beat the market while staying cool. Here are three summertime dividend stocks to consider adding to your portfolio.

1. Coca-Cola (KO): With its iconic beverages enjoyed by people around the world, Coca-Cola is a reliable choice for dividend investors. The company has a long history of paying dividends and has consistently increased its payouts over the years. As a consumer staple, Coca-Cola’s products are in demand year-round, making it a stable investment even during the summer months.

2. Procter & Gamble (PG): Another consumer staple stock, Procter & Gamble is known for its wide range of household products that are used by millions of people every day. The company has a strong track record of dividend growth and has been paying dividends for over a century. With a diverse portfolio of brands, Procter & Gamble is well-positioned to weather any economic downturns, making it a solid choice for dividend investors looking for stability.

3. Duke Energy (DUK): As temperatures rise in the summer, so does the demand for electricity to power air conditioners. Duke Energy is a leading electric utility company that serves millions of customers across several states. The company has a long history of paying dividends and has a strong balance sheet, making it a reliable choice for income investors. With its stable cash flow and regulated business model, Duke Energy is a solid pick for those looking to beat the heat with dividends.

These three dividend stocks offer investors a way to stay cool during the summer while earning steady income. Consider adding Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, and Duke Energy to your portfolio for reliable returns even in the hottest months of the year.

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