### 3 Japanese Growth Stocks With High Insider Ownership And 20% Earnings Growth ### – Simply Wall St

Three Japanese growth stocks have caught the attention of investors due to their high insider ownership and impressive 20% earnings growth. Insider ownership is when individuals within a company, such as executives or board members, hold a significant portion of its shares. This is typically seen as a positive sign, as it shows that those with intimate knowledge of the company believe in its potential for growth.

The first of these stocks is XYZ Co., a technology company that has seen a steady increase in earnings over the past few years. With insiders holding a substantial amount of shares, investors are confident in the company’s future prospects.

Next is ABC Corp., a pharmaceutical company that has also shown strong earnings growth. Insider ownership in this company is high, indicating that those within the industry believe in its ability to continue its upward trajectory.

Lastly, we have 123 Ltd., a manufacturing company that has impressed investors with its consistent earnings growth. The fact that insiders own a significant portion of the company’s shares further reinforces the belief in its potential for success.

Overall, these three Japanese growth stocks are worth keeping an eye on for investors looking for companies with strong earnings growth and high insider ownership.

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