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Active Managers Tend to Underperform the Market. Narrow Breadth Is Partly to Blame. – Barron's

Active managers in the financial market often struggle to outperform the market, with narrow breadth being a key factor in their underperformance. According to a recent article in Barron’s, this trend is partly to blame for their lackluster results.

DailyBubble agrees with this assessment, as active managers face challenges in trying to beat the market due to limited opportunities for outperformance. With a narrow breadth of available investment options, active managers may find it difficult to find undervalued stocks or make strategic moves that can outpace the overall market.

While some active managers may still find success through careful analysis and skillful stock selection, the overall trend suggests that the majority tend to fall short of market benchmarks. DailyBubble believes that investors should carefully consider the track record and strategy of active managers before entrusting them with their money, as the odds of outperformance may be lower than expected.

In conclusion, the article highlights the struggles that active managers face in trying to beat the market, with narrow breadth playing a significant role in their underperformance. DailyBubble urges investors to be cautious when considering active management strategies, as the odds of success may be lower than anticipated.

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