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Private healthcare boom fuelled by NHS waiting lists – The Guardian

The rising demand for private healthcare is being driven by long waiting lists in the NHS, according to a report by The Guardian. As more and more patients face delays in getting the treatment they need, many are turning to private healthcare providers for quicker access to care.

The report highlights how the growing pressure on the NHS has led to an increase in the number of people opting for private healthcare services. With waiting times for procedures such as surgeries and specialist appointments getting longer, patients are increasingly willing to pay for faster and more convenient access to treatment.

This trend has resulted in a boom in the private healthcare sector, with hospitals and clinics seeing a surge in demand for their services. The report also points out that the availability of private health insurance and the ability to self-pay for treatment have made it easier for patients to bypass the NHS and seek care from private providers.

While the NHS continues to be a vital resource for many, the report suggests that the strain on the healthcare system has pushed more people towards private healthcare as a way to avoid delays and receive the treatment they need in a timely manner. As waiting lists in the NHS continue to grow, the trend of patients turning to private healthcare is expected to continue.

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