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The Magnificent 12 GARP Portfolio Beats The Magnificent 7 Fuelled S&P 500 In 2024 – Seeking Alpha

In 2024, the Magnificent 12 GARP portfolio outperformed the Magnificent 7 fueled S&P 500, according to a report on Seeking Alpha. This impressive performance highlights the strength of the GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) investment strategy.

The GARP portfolio, consisting of 12 carefully selected stocks, managed to beat the S&P 500 index, which was driven by only 7 companies. This indicates the effectiveness of a diversified approach to investing, as opposed to relying on a few key players.

DailyBubble believes that this success further underscores the importance of thorough research and analysis when constructing a portfolio. By focusing on companies with strong growth potential but at reasonable valuations, investors can potentially outperform broader market indices.

Overall, the performance of the Magnificent 12 GARP portfolio serves as a reminder of the benefits of a disciplined and balanced investment strategy. DailyBubble encourages investors to consider adopting a similar approach to achieve long-term financial success.

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