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Russia's Dagestan Calls For Illegal Crypto Mining Crackdown Amid Power Issues – WION

Russia’s Dagestan region is urging authorities to crack down on illegal cryptocurrency mining activities due to concerns over power shortages. The region is facing an increase in unauthorized crypto mining operations, which are putting a strain on the electricity grid.

Dagestan officials have called for stricter enforcement measures to combat the illegal mining activities, which are contributing to the power supply issues in the region. The unauthorized mining operations are consuming a significant amount of electricity, causing disruptions to the local power grid.

Authorities in Dagestan are working to identify and shut down the illegal cryptocurrency mining operations to alleviate the strain on the power supply. The crackdown on illegal mining activities is necessary to ensure the stability of the region’s electricity grid and prevent further power shortages.

Dagestan’s call for action against illegal cryptocurrency mining highlights the challenges posed by unauthorized mining operations on local power infrastructure. Authorities are taking steps to address the issue and protect the region’s electricity supply from being overwhelmed by illegal mining activities.

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