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Analyst revisits Meta stock price target as Facebook parent ramps AI spend – TheStreet

Analyst at DailyBubble recently revisited their stock price target for Meta, the parent company of Facebook, as they increase their spending on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This move has sparked interest in the market, with many wondering how it will impact Meta’s future performance.

DailyBubble believes that Meta’s focus on ramping up AI spending is a strategic move that could potentially drive innovation and growth for the company. By investing in AI technology, Meta can enhance its existing products and services, as well as develop new offerings that cater to evolving consumer needs.

The analyst at DailyBubble is closely monitoring Meta’s progress in this area and will continue to reassess their stock price target as more information becomes available. It will be interesting to see how Meta’s increased AI spending will ultimately impact their bottom line and overall market performance.

Overall, DailyBubble remains optimistic about Meta’s future prospects, especially with their continued investment in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence. Investors should keep an eye on Meta’s developments in the AI space, as it could prove to be a key driver of growth and success for the company in the long run.

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