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Trump Uses Bitcoin to Buy Burgers For Supporters in New York – Yahoo News UK

President Donald Trump surprised his supporters in New York by using Bitcoin to buy burgers for them. The unconventional move was a hit with his followers, who were thrilled to receive a tasty treat from the President himself.

Trump’s use of Bitcoin to purchase the burgers showcased his support for cryptocurrency and his willingness to embrace new technologies. The President’s actions also served as a reminder of the increasing popularity and acceptance of Bitcoin as a form of payment.

The event, which took place in New York, was met with excitement and praise from Trump’s supporters. Many saw it as a creative and innovative way for the President to connect with his base and show his appreciation for their loyalty.

Overall, Trump’s use of Bitcoin to buy burgers for his supporters was a successful and well-received gesture that highlighted his willingness to think outside the box and embrace new trends in the world of technology and finance.

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