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Corporate bond market needs to be strengthened: SBI chairman Setty – Business Standard

SBI chairman Setty stresses need to strengthen corporate bond market

SBI chairman Setty has emphasized the importance of bolstering the corporate bond market. Setty highlighted the significance of enhancing this market to promote growth and stability in the economy.

The corporate bond market plays a crucial role in providing companies with access to long-term financing. By strengthening this market, companies can raise funds for their expansion and investment plans more efficiently.

Setty’s call for strengthening the corporate bond market comes at a time when the economy is facing challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. Enhancing the market will not only support businesses in their growth endeavors but also contribute to overall economic recovery.

It is imperative for policymakers and regulators to work together to create a conducive environment for the development of the corporate bond market. By implementing necessary reforms and ensuring transparency, the market can attract more investors and facilitate the financing needs of businesses.

In conclusion, SBI chairman Setty’s emphasis on strengthening the corporate bond market underscores the importance of this segment in driving economic growth. It is crucial for all stakeholders to collaborate and take proactive measures to enhance the market’s resilience and efficiency.

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