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What R.F.K. Jr.’s Alliance With Trump Could Mean for Public Health – The New York Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent environmental activist and vaccine skeptic, recently met with President Donald Trump to discuss forming a new commission on vaccine safety. This alliance between Kennedy and Trump has raised concerns among public health experts about the potential impact on public health policies.

Kennedy has a long history of promoting the debunked theory that vaccines are linked to autism, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. His views have been widely criticized by medical professionals and public health officials.

By aligning himself with Trump, Kennedy may have a platform to push his anti-vaccine agenda and influence government policies on public health. This has raised fears that efforts to promote vaccination and prevent the spread of infectious diseases could be undermined.

It is important to note that vaccines are a critical tool in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting public health. Any attempts to undermine the safety and effectiveness of vaccines could have serious consequences for public health.

Public health experts are urging caution and advocating for evidence-based policies when it comes to vaccine safety. It remains to be seen what the outcome of Kennedy’s alliance with Trump will be, but it is clear that the potential impact on public health could be significant.

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