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Kuwait Is Awash in Oil Money. But It Can’t Keep the Power On. – The New York Times

Kuwait, a wealthy nation abundant in oil resources, is facing challenges in maintaining a stable power supply. Despite its vast oil wealth, the country is struggling to keep the lights on for its residents. The reliance on oil for energy production has not translated into a consistent and reliable power grid. Kuwait’s power outages have become a common occurrence, leaving many residents frustrated and inconvenienced.

The country’s infrastructure has not kept pace with its growing population and increasing energy demands. The lack of investment in alternative energy sources and outdated power plants are contributing factors to the ongoing power shortages. As a result, Kuwait is unable to meet the electricity needs of its residents, leading to frequent blackouts and disruptions in daily life.

Efforts to address the issue, such as investing in renewable energy sources and upgrading the power grid, have been slow to materialize. The government is facing pressure to find sustainable solutions to ensure a reliable power supply for its citizens. As Kuwait continues to grapple with its energy challenges, the need for long-term planning and investment in modernizing its infrastructure remains crucial.

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