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Need $15,000 Passive Income? Buy These Dividend Stocks – 24/7 Wall St.

Looking to generate a passive income of $15,000? Consider investing in dividend stocks. Dividend stocks are a great way to earn money without having to actively work for it. By purchasing shares in companies that pay out dividends, you can receive a regular stream of income.

One option to consider is Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). This company has a long history of paying out dividends and has a strong track record of growth. Another good choice is Coca-Cola (KO), which also offers a steady income through its dividend payments.

If you’re looking for a more tech-focused option, consider investing in Microsoft (MSFT). This company has seen significant growth in recent years and has a solid dividend yield.

Overall, investing in dividend stocks can be a great way to generate passive income. By choosing companies with a history of strong performance and consistent dividend payments, you can work towards reaching your $15,000 goal.

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