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USD/CHF: Here’s why the Swiss franc is firing on all cylinders – Invezz

The Swiss franc is currently performing strongly against the US dollar, with the USD/CHF pair showing significant momentum. This can be attributed to several factors that are driving the Swiss franc to new heights.

One of the key reasons behind the Swiss franc’s strong performance is the country’s reputation for stability and safety. Switzerland is known for its strong economy, low inflation rates, and political stability, which make the Swiss franc a safe-haven currency for investors during times of uncertainty.

Another factor contributing to the Swiss franc’s strength is the country’s current account surplus. Switzerland consistently maintains a trade surplus, meaning that it exports more goods and services than it imports. This surplus boosts the value of the Swiss franc as foreign demand for the currency increases.

Furthermore, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) plays a significant role in supporting the Swiss franc. The SNB regularly intervenes in the foreign exchange market to prevent excessive appreciation of the currency, which helps to maintain the competitiveness of Swiss exports.

Overall, the Swiss franc is firing on all cylinders due to its safe-haven status, strong economic fundamentals, and the support of the SNB. As a result, the USD/CHF pair is experiencing notable strength, with the Swiss franc outperforming the US dollar in the current market environment.

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