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1:1 Bonus Share: Penny stock up 17% in 1 week! Do you own? – ET Now

1:1 Bonus Share: Penny stock surges 17% in just 1 week!

In a surprising turn of events, a penny stock has seen a significant spike of 17% in just one week after announcing a 1:1 bonus share. This news has caught the attention of investors and market watchers alike.

If you are a shareholder of this penny stock, this could mean a potential increase in your investment value. Bonus shares are often seen as a positive sign by investors, as they indicate that the company is doing well and is confident about its future growth prospects.

It is important to keep a close eye on the stock’s performance in the coming days to see if this uptrend continues. Stay informed and make informed decisions about your investments.

Do you own this penny stock? Let us know your thoughts on this recent development.

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